Stöppelhaene 2023: Doar mu’j bie wean! 16 AUG 2023 The largest village festival in Salland will start again on August 23: Stöppelhaene 2023. And as the slogan indicates: Doar mu'j bie wean! Pan Oston has been taking this statement to heart for years and will continue to support this summer party in the bustling center of Raalte in 2023 as a loyal sponsor. On Wednesday, August 23, the official starting shot will be given for Stöppelhaene 2023 with the Stöppelloop, where Pan Oston will be at the start of the company run with no less than three teams. The Sallandse Harvest Festival Stöppelhaene is an important event on the summer calendar for Pan Oston. As a regional employer, we feel closely connected to the community in Raalte and many of our employees participate wholeheartedly in the many activities during the event. Pan Oston is a growing international company and is always looking for talented people with the go-getter mentality that characterizes Salland and who aspire to a challenging job in technology. That is why a campaign is running during Stöppelhaene to make visitors of the event enthusiastic about working in engineering: 'Krie'j döst van techniek?' For example, the campaign runs on the large screens of Main Stage, and on the special website you can get acquainted with Pan Oston and consult our current vacancies. deel